Live with Passion !!!

Friday, May 18, 2007

One Leg Healed, Another Leg to Go

Once, i said that i have to crawl as i have lost both of legs virtually. Now i managed to have one of my leg healed as i bought a new car on 12/05/07. It is a 1.3 cc Black MyVi Sports Edition with SDC wording tinted at the side of the car. Haha...After driving for one week, i feel totally no regret in getting it as it look cool, spacious internally, smooth engine transition, sporty meter light and low fuel consumption. In addition, besides than bringing me around, i am able to pick my frens around for supper and enjoy our great time there. Thankx to my parents who did support me financially in purchasing this new car, which also give me a new lease of life as i am able to stand and travel with at least one leg now.

For the other leg, i'm still in the process of getting it healed. Initially, i have plan to wait for her to grad as i still have feeling on her. In the meantime, i can fully concentrate on my work and Masters. However, i received a setback recently which i was told that she will be starting a new relationship with another person soon. Although this maybe not true as i have not hear from her personally, yet this truth is not important anymore. I should expect it to happen and i should bless for her as well if that makes her happy. Since i always wish her to well and happy, thus i should receive this news in positive note as well. Who knows, we might be together at the end of the day.

I realised that being single is not bad at all as i still have my family and SDC who always be there to cheer and motivate me. I shall continue to live up as what I am. Through living with passion, i am alredi grateful for what i had and feel no regret even my times has come.

"Yeah, Nicky is Back"

Sunday, May 06, 2007

I just watched an Interview with CEO TM's Dato' Abdul Wahid Omar in NTV's Captain program where he shared his journey from childhood to where he is today. I am really impressed with his achievement today from the family background which he had. He was raised together with 11 other siblings and his father only got paid RM 3.50 per day to support his family. Here are some quotes from him that i would like to share with you:

  • " Concentrate and give your best in the task given to you. At the end of the day, you will definitely enjoy the best result out of it"
  • " Don't look at things that you don't have, but appreciate things in front of your eyes " as he came from a poor family.

From what he has said and what he had achieved, i believe Everything is Possible, just concentrate on the Present, and the Future will shine itself.
